Going Forward – what is this blog all about!

Just me again,

Typical British summer weather, a mixture of hot and cold, wind and rain all in one day! Cant complain too much as we have had a better summer all round this year! I sat in the garden for a while and had a beautiful cappuccino and read my new book this afternoon…….my expensive new love, silver and gemstones!!

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As you know I jetted off to beautiful Italy again, but I also visited my favourite city, twice so far , London.  In a few weeks I will be heading over again!  Primarily this blog was for me to share my silversmith progress, however I LOVE  travelling, fashion, reading, fine dining, socialising………….the list of the ‘Good Life’ is endless.  Hence the title, ‘The happenings of a silversmith in training, and many more adventures too.’

Lots of things inspire me on a daily basis, and I will be sharing with you all, my travels and love of fashion and fine things in life!

So please keep following and reading!  I have started to follow some great blogs! Also, like my Facebook page when you get the chance!

Inspired by Susie C.