Going Forward – what is this blog all about!

Just me again,

Typical British summer weather, a mixture of hot and cold, wind and rain all in one day! Cant complain too much as we have had a better summer all round this year! I sat in the garden for a while and had a beautiful cappuccino and read my new book this afternoon…….my expensive new love, silver and gemstones!!

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As you know I jetted off to beautiful Italy again, but I also visited my favourite city, twice so far , London.  In a few weeks I will be heading over again!  Primarily this blog was for me to share my silversmith progress, however I LOVE  travelling, fashion, reading, fine dining, socialising………….the list of the ‘Good Life’ is endless.  Hence the title, ‘The happenings of a silversmith in training, and many more adventures too.’

Lots of things inspire me on a daily basis, and I will be sharing with you all, my travels and love of fashion and fine things in life!

So please keep following and reading!  I have started to follow some great blogs! Also, like my Facebook page when you get the chance!

Inspired by Susie C.

Up and running!

Welcome to my new blog,

My main reason for starting a blog is to share my love of jewellery making which has progressed to silversmith, I guess I am a silversmith in training now….sounds very posh!!!  I also have a LOVE for travel and have had many adventures which I hope I will recreate in my jewellery designs.

At present I dont sell my silver jewellery, as it is still early days.  I do hope to use this blog to show you how a piece of silver jewellery is created, from the design page to the finished polished piece.  Precious metal is a sheer delight to work with and I treat it with great care.  My nails are in need of a manicure since starting to work in the silversmith studio, mainly due to the sanding, filing and polishing….I am a perfectionist in terms of my jewellery designs, so unmanicured hands are worth it when I see the final piece.

Over the next few days I will be sorting and clearing my space to combine both jewellery making and silversmith in the one corner….so I will keep you all updated.

I have another blog but this one will be for my silversmith adventures…so happy reading and learning and hope I can inspire you all!

Chat soon